Monday, December 1, 2008


It's been CHILLY! I'm down to about four pairs of shoes, two of which are flip-flops, along with a pair of hiking boots that look like elf shoes, and accompanied by a pair of clogs that practically go out of their way to trip me. The coat rack is getting a little slim too...just in time for Christmas! The pony had to go home due to some medical issues, which is a little sad. We're now looking for another horse, not vigorously, but just something to keep me going. I'll still be going out to the barn, because, quite frankly I think I would explode if I couldn't get out their and see the horses. Thanksgiving met me with a lovely case of I-ate-too-much-of-something-so-now-I'm-getting-sick, so in the middle of the night I felt overwhelmingly nauseous and ended up kneeling over the toilet. So yay! Damas' name was changed to Thomas, and he is beginning to become a little bit of a pain in the neck. He sort of understands the leash, but he takes off in random directions and is a pretty strong little fella. He doesn't understand pottie training, or that he shouldn't eat the stuff that comes out of the other end. It's absolutely DISGUSTING. On top of that he has a smell...a fusty cheese-puff and man's armpit smell. It's a little off-putting. We're hoping someone will come along to adopt him soon. We are about to dig into the long haul of midterms at school, how exciting.

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