Saturday, March 29, 2008


So my report card came recently...yay (i kno, rite?!) so my parents looked at it before i did (!!?ugh?!!) and i got all A's and 1 B because my teacher lost all of my practice record for Orch, but whatever, it can be fixed i guess. Django is getting so big! His nose is getting longer and he is losing the little wrinkle just above it (so sad!) but he is still as fun as ever!
I am such a bad driver on the golf cart--my friend has one and we totally spaz out on that thing! It rocks. Anyway. I just wanted to share.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Orch and Other Shtuff

I don't have a whole lot to say this month, other than the fact that MY PUPPY IS SO CUTE!! He knows how to get up the stairs but doesn't quite understand how to get down, so he growls at the top and goes so fast his butt comes before he does. It's quite an image. I play the violin, and have been for about a year or more, and this weekend we go to a District Festival at my school. I am so scared. We had auditions for which chair we would get, even though my class is all 2nd violins. For those who don't play music or know orchestra, there are two violin sections: 1 carries the melody most of the time, and 2 carries the harmony. I had practiced for three hours this weekend and two more the night before last, so I was hoping I would do OK, and I felt fine until I actually had to play. My audition sucked. I got too nervous. Watch me get, like, last chair!!! Oh well, there's always next time.
But the only really sucky thing is that none of my other friends play 2nd violin...well one does, but its not like we really hang out together. I have 2 friends who play cello, 2 friends who play viola, and 3 friends who play 1st violin. And here I am in 2nd. Whatever. It's all good.
So all this happened today, and so I guess I was wrong when I said that I don't have much to say for March. But I do. And Friday is one of my friends' birthday...I have no idea what to get her...!

And check out Sia--she is a really cool music artist (well at least I like her) and the first two youtube clips to the right are really good. The first one is called Breathe Me and it is really cool, the second one is called Buttons (not like the pussycat dolls) and it is very interesting! There is another video bar at the bottom with some of her stuff and the one with the woman standing singing into the microphone is the best one...and it's called "The Girl You Lost to Cocaine"!!

C ya!
or Sia~lol